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Washington DC Trip
We took a trip to DC last week! It was part of our training, and our goal was to have “intentional conversations.” I must say, at this stage in life with 3 littles under 5 years old. . . I probably wouldn’t have chosen this strategy We were able to have some good conversations, gain […]
We were walking as a family the other night under this beautiful sunset! Colt told us that he thought our Father was in there Such an awesome Creator!
Fun at the Park in RVA
We found a great park here in Richmond! We have realized that this area is quite culturally diverse! We were actually the minority here at this park We heard at least 4 other languages – which we loved! We were able to talk to some people from EA too, which was really neat! They gave […]
Smiles of Caden
Oh my soul. . . I love this little guy! This is Caden’s new cheese face!
Treetop Canopy Tours Zip-lining!
Fun with Friends!
I’m so thankful that the kids are doing so well! They have made so many great friends. . . Thankful for the Body and the common love we all share!
Rub a dub dub. . .
Short Pump Mall – Richmond, VA
We are entering week 6 of training here at RVA! Wow. . . only about 1 month before we depart for East Asia. By this point we are getting anxious and excited to arrive in country! There is so much to learn and so much work to be done!! While our time here at RVA […]
Uses for Coconut Oil
I have always been interested in “natural products” as well as living “simply.” Knowing that we are moving overseas, I’m MORE THAN EXCITED that I could potentially be a ONE product girl! Woot Woot! I have recently been using COCONUT OIL for shaving cream, lotion, deoderant, oil pulling (oral care), face wash, hair product, cooking […]