Chicken Soup and Hot Summer!

We had our friends over to play one Saturday morning and ended up going with them to this place to eat and play in the water. The place was out in the middle of nowhere, but it was beautiful. There was a nice refreshing (clean) stream that the kids all played in. There wasn’t a […]

Friday Evening Drive

Last Friday was a hot hot day! We decided to take a drive and look for some water to play in. . . but because of lots of rain, areas that were previously small streams looked more like rivers. It was a beautiful day though with sunshine and blue skies! This is really an amazing […]

Kylie Joy is 5!

So, these pictures are out of order, but you can still enjoy them Sunday was David’s 32nd birthday. When you are hosting a party it’s hard (for me at least) to take many pictures. Sorry Babe! I know HE doesn’t mind. . . but I do. I attempted a surprise party Sunday evening and kept […]