Kylie Joy’s Room

Sooooo, I finally caved and we decorated the nursery. I just had this sickening feeling that MAYBE it wasn’t a girl?? I mean, I’ve only had ONE ultrasound – at 17 1/2 weeks, and even though it was an hour long and the tech definitely said it was a girl. . . let’s just say […]

Strawberries. . .

We stopped at Lyon Farms to hand pick some delicious strawberries after chrch today. It was “fruitful” (haha) to say the least! We got to eat as we picked too. . . so that was a good appetizer to lunch As you can see in MOST of these pictures, Colt ate pretty much the whole time. 36 […]

Wild Animals

Here in “Wild and Wonderful West Virginia” once again. . . for a few short hours. We made a weekend trip to PA for a wedding and made a slight (5 1/2 hr) detour to see the family one last time before little junior arrives. We haven’t been up since Christmas, so I guess that […]