Leave Day

Sometimes we don’t have words to express our feelings, but our hearts are true. This was an amazing place we were able to live for seven years. We will never forget it! June 29,2020 marks our Leave Day. Do you have a day that marks when life quakes or plans tumbled? Should we even memorialize […]

Kylie’s 9th Birthday!

Kylie Joy turned 9 on June 13. She had a special cake at art class with friends, and then again at home with family. She is fierce and funny. She is amazingly artistic and creative. She is strong yet sweet. She sings like an angel. She has an eye for all things beautiful and shiny. […]

Our Ducks

Well, when covid hit and the kids didn’t go back to school that last semester in Guilin, we decided we could get ducks. This totally occupied their every waking second and was wonderful for them to be outside caring for little creatures. We started with three (one each right?). Then, the trend caught on and […]


This was a cool experience for the kids. Another place we didn’t know about until close to the end of our time in Guilin. A friend told us about it, and we went with his family. The kids got to make magnets starting from a block of wood, tracing their design, cutting, shaving, sanding, and […]

Yang Sheng Gu 养生谷

This was a neat place that was developed and opened for climbing by a friend of ours during our last year or so in Guilin. He asked David to help do some rock climbing coaching for him, and we were able to spend many a hours here with locals – spending time with them, encouraging […]

黎子老师 Art Class

Another cool thing that the kids were able to do in Guilin was study watercolor painting in a beautiful setting with a wonderful teacher! She lived in a beautifully renovated village home near our apartment and the kids loved the animals that came with the territory. They usually did class the first hour and played […]

Craft with wool?

One cool thing the kids learned in their Chinese school was how to make stuff with their hands. Their craft teacher from school resigned this past year though, and the kids all really missed her. She was super great and willing to come to our house and keep teaching the kids though. This was something […]