
Check out the “shoes” of the guy behind Caden. When it’s cold people wear these “shoes” that look just like house shoes to me! I guess they are warm though. Why not? I bet we’ll be doing it in a year or two

Dancing Lions

Just your everyday trip to school when you come across something this exciting I used to think these were dragons. I supposed they do have dragons too, but these they called lions. I stopped with the kids to watch for a few minutes and everyone stopped taking pictures of the show and started taking pictures […]

Exercise with the 80 year olds

The weather has been so comfortable lately with quite a few sunny days! We try to be outside as much as possible and enjoy it! Yesterday morning I went across the road to run some laps and get some exercise at the sports complex (so I can keep up with the kids and David!). The […]

Funny Haircut

For the first time, I have done what the locals always do to our kids . . . took a picture of their kid WITHOUT ASKING! Gah We were riding down the road when I noticed this family behind us on their scooter. At first, I thought this kid had sunglasses on his head. . […]

Duan Wu Jie (Dragon Boat Festival)

It’s Duan Wu Jie here! There are several stories behind this holiday, but the best known legend is about a famous Chinese poet named Qu Yuan. Despite his love and passion for his country, he was exiled. Qu Yuan in great despair committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River (Yunan Province) on the […]