Walking around the park . .

This little walking park is right across from our apartment complex. It’s nice because you can get on the grass! And there are always lots of kids playing there and people flying kites or walking their dogs. Colt was playing with a neighbor who happened to be there too. They made paper airplanes from some […]

What a mess. . .

These are some sweet friends that I happened to make one day. I met Lulu (left) while she worked at the management office for our apartment complex. Since I could understand her pretty easily (some people have thick accents, speak super quickly/unclearly) I asked if she could do lunch sometime. She brought Echo (middle). . […]

Fun with Friends!

About a month ago, my friend Jean (on the right) and I met LuLu (on the far left) and Echo (middle). We have been out to lunch several times since then. Before, Lulu worked close by, but Echo would come across town for lunch because we are foreigners We must be pretty interesting indeed! They […]

Sounds of School

This primary school is right outside of where I study language every day. I couldn’t resist taking pictures of the madness when school was let out. . . but we also weren’t able do much studying either because it was SO LOUD. They had music playing, all the kids voices, car horns blaring – notice […]