Lately. . .

When we came back to GL it was hot!  We were having 97 degree heat and it totally zapped all my energy. It’s not climate controlled like I am used to having grown up in the States.  It’s hot outside and inside and we walk or ride our scooter . .  so we just sweat . . . a lot.  Which is totally fine, I’m not complaining.  I prefer that we live like the locals in this way and the kids have no problems whatsoever since they’ve sort of grown up like this.  It’s mainly just me – haha:)   So, today is only in the 80’s and almost feels cold! I’ll take advantage of the cool and sit down to type.  Kylie actually put long sleeves on when she got up because it was only 76 degrees.

We also came back knowing we were going to have to move from this apartment since our landlord needs it back.  So we found an apartment nearby, and I packed up the house.  That was 2 weeks ago.  Several issues and problems prevented that from working out and led us to start looking again this past Monday (all the while our house in boxes).  Thankfully, we found a place yesterday and will sign the contract tonight.  That means moving and starting school in the same week :) I make the executive decision that homeschool start date WILL be postponed! ha! Local school will just have to start Monday which actually might make moving easier to have the kids gone during the day.

I know so many of you who read this genuinely love and care for our family, and lately I’ve felt led to share some things I’m learning. Maybe someone out there is also struggling and could benefit :)

While this past summer was full of great memories, family time, and lots of love and laughter, our family also faced a very difficult and heartbreaking situation. Maybe I’ll be able to talk about in the future, but for now all that I want to communicate is that it’s the hardest thing I’ve had to walk through since having children, and we still deal with the effects almost daily and probably will for some time to come.

The thing I’m thankful for and the grace in this is that it has brought me to my knees and closer to my Father than I have been for years. I can only recall one other time in my life that I felt this much brokenness and dependence on Him. While it’s not for everyone (and I don’t say any of this in a spirit of pride or to toot my own horn – just to share), I’ve been rising early, while it’s still dark and quiet, to talk to and plead with Father. He’s given me an intense desire for His Word and hiding it in my heart. He had also given me some great resources of books that I wanted to share. Cherish for marriage, Adorned for me personally, and Discipline That Connects for parenting. Three REALLY good books that I recommend. Most days after my quiet time, I run up the mountain to catch the sunrise which is also REALLY good for my soul :) And I’m usually back before the kids wake up around 6:45.

All of the above is helping with healing.  I’m learning both to grow and rest in Him.  I’ve always known time with Him was more necessary than sleep, but never desired to get up quite so early.  Now, it’s not only a desire but a PR of my heart!  When I lie down to sleep (I also go to bed earlier now – haha), I will actually ask Him to wake me up in the morning, and He most often does before my alarm sounds at 5am – which is also really cool.  Here are some of my favorite sunrise pics.  Beautiful huh?


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5 thoughts on “Lately. . .

  1. I always learn so much from your posts. I love that you ask Him to wake you in the morning. How much like a parent and child that simple thing is. I forget to depend on him and stress about things that are already set into motion. Thank you for your encouraging words, Haley.

  2. Hey Haley, still no wechat!!! I feel so isolated from what’s going on over there. Thank you for sharing. Everything you post is an inspiration, both the good times and the difficult! We will be praying for you guys and hope all goes well when you finally move in. I don’t know about you, but every move shaves about 5 years off my life…I’m actually 66 now, not 36. We love y’all and do hope do see you guys sometime in the next year!! Grants buying the tickets today for us to return December 31!! We can’t wait! Blessings.

  3. Hey Haley. I miss you . I will be praying for you my friend. I’m sure the kids have grown like weeds. Hope to see you again one day.

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