Camping with Colt’s Class

I know it’s been awhile. . . things have been a little crazy around here. We have moved, Caden broke his foot, Caden’s school was shut down so he’s home now. Lots of changes around here too. So, I have a lot of catching up to do!

These pics are from the national holiday back during the first week of October. October is the best weather month (just an FYI in case you want to come visit), so Colt’s class decided to take advantage of that good weather and do a camping trip together. It was close enough for us to drive our 3-wheel scooter (pictured below) which is what we scoot around town on. It’s pretty convenient and I’m pretty sure we have become famous by it. I’ve had people say, “Hey, aren’t you that foreigner that drives a 3-wheel scooter? I’ve seen you around town.” Yeah. . . that’s me. :) It came in handy here though since you couldn’t drive a car to campsite, but you COULD drive our little scooter there. So, everyone piled their climbing gear on it, and we were the heroes who saved the day. hahaha.

It was a lot of fun. For food we had 2 big pots over the fire and made some yummy soup and then the next morning for breakfast we boiled some noodles and some more veggies/meat/tofu. It was quite convenient and probably a little healthier than hotdogs and smores. . but I’m not gonna lie, I love me some hotdogs and smores.








2 thoughts on “Camping with Colt’s Class

  1. So good to hear from you, we have been py for you, was excited to hear that you are doing good, sorry Caden broke his foot,, hows he taking it, having to be home with mom all the time. Haha, how are you taking it. Haha. Please keep in touch. Love you guys

  2. What great things the kids are experiencing! Tell Caden I hope his foot heals real soon and that he will be able to get out and explore.

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