Outdoors and friends

We met this family via Colt’s soccer team. They have a 4.5 year old boy who also plays soccer. They want him to be friends with English speakers so they have quickly tried to become our best friends It’s kind of funny – but we don’t mind because we have been asking for some friends, […]

Taste of Malaysia. . .

This neat little Malaysian restaurant was having a “Taste of Malaysia – Culture and Cuisine” event. I invited my friend Tracy to go with me. . . because I really wanted to go! And to spend time with her of course! Most of our time together is spent with kids in tow. . . so […]

Fun with Friends!

About a month ago, my friend Jean (on the right) and I met LuLu (on the far left) and Echo (middle). We have been out to lunch several times since then. Before, Lulu worked close by, but Echo would come across town for lunch because we are foreigners We must be pretty interesting indeed! They […]