Colt and Kylie

So, the kids were cracking me up the other day.  Kylie has started to want to wear Colt’s socks.  Of course they are HUGE on her, but it’s fine with me  And Colt has been playing with the tape measurer.  He has measured a ton of stuff in this house.  Actually, today he came up […]

Kylie’s Pretty Shoes

Aunt BB gave Kylie some shoes for Christmas, knowing that this girls LOVES some shoes!  She is always playing with her “inside” shoes, which are all a few sizes too big making it easy for her to put them on and take them off all by herself. And when we are getting ready to go […]

Snow Day Fun!

We had a snow day last weekend David took Colt out to play in it, but it was really quite wet and nasty. Colt still loved it of course! I must have felt like Betty Crocker or Martha Stewart or something because i stayed inside and made homemade yogurt, go-gurts, and strawberry freezer jam! Yum!! […]