Another adventure . . .

While Colt was on his class trip, we were invited to visit a friend’s place in the mountains about 2 hours away. It was a lot of fun. We did some hiking and exploring. We also did some rock climbing, and we even had an outdoor evening dinner by candlelight. It was so much fun! […]

Another School Trip for Colt

This trip was to various destinations for a total of 5 night away! That’s kind of like camp, huh? They went to some museums and famous places in the southern part of the country, riding various forms of transportation on the way (high speed rail and metro). The kids were also responsible for buying food […]

Mom and Daughter Date

I try to consistently have girl time with Kylie, but it usually only happens once a month. I just started a new book called Eight Great Mom and Daughter Dates by Dannah Gresh, founder of Secret Keeper Girl – now True Girl. I am far from perfect and am always trying to learn and be […]

Family Race

We ran (along with about 10,000 other people) our first family 5K in this city. . . it will definitely become a tradition. It was a lot of fun, and the kids did awesome! We couldn’t even keep up with Caden!

Mao Er Mountain

Colt got to go on an overnight field trip to the highest point in GX province. This is a cool story. . . actually, this place is a protected nature reserve that they don’t allow foreigners into without going through an approval process which we didn’t know about in time. “Guanxi” (relationship) is a powerful […]

The Things We See and Eat

Some type of fungus/mushroom family. . . I have eaten it and it’s pretty good, but I have no idea how to cook it (yet)! Super excited about this shop that just opened and makes coconut milk and treats from the pure, whole coconut! The best spicy noodles in town! Snail soup noodles. . . […]


I have never seen fencing in person. . . so I was pretty excited to be able to volunteer when this group came to teach about fencing at the kids’ school. Colt and Caden thought it was the greatest thing ever and obviously wanted to take lessons! haha. . . It was interesting the how […]