The Dreaded Test

Well, I went in to take my nursing boards Monday morning. We had been in South Carolina the previous few days so I hadn’t be able to study hardly any of those days immediately prior to the exam. Nevertheless, I decided not to dwell on it and to try to go to bed early Sunday night, but I found that I couldn’t sleep! So, even though I laid down close to 9 pm, I don’t remember the last time I looked at the clock. It was late though. I just kept asking the Lord to calm my heart and let me rest.

The alarm went off at 5:30 am. I was ready to sleep then! But, David “encouraged” me to get up and get going. We left at 6:30. He and Colt went for moral support. . . plus I was too nervous that I wouldn’t be able to find the place since we just moved to the area.

We arrived without a problem around 7:15, I fed the baby and they walked me in. . . only to be “greeted” by the man at the desk. “Time to say your goodbyes. They can’t stay.” No problem. They entertained themselves. . . doing who knows what. I didn’t plan on being that long anyways. I had talked to several people who had gone before me. They had the minimum amount of questions – 75. So, I planned on only 75 myself! (That shouldn’t take too long). The test has a maximum of 265 and you are alloted 6 hours . . . though it can shut off at any point if you pass, or fail, before that time.

I signed in, got fingerprinted and had my picture taken (major security precautions huh?!), then I rounded the corner to enter the testing room and they fingerprinted me again – I suppose to make sure I didn’t have an out-of-body experience and switch places with someone who really wanted to take that test instead of me (that would’ve been nice).

I sat down and began the tutorial. It included questions like: pick the color orange. . . and click on the fruits. Too bad they informed me that those questions didn’t count towards my overall passing or failing score. At least I knew I got those right!

So, I started the test. . . #73, 74. . . “good only 1 more!” #75, 76!!! WHAT!! It was supposed to shut off, why am I still going? I must be failing!! Well, I had to calm down and pray (a lot) all the way through #90, #125, #150. . . I quit counting or focusing on that, so I don’t really remember how many questions I did. It was somewhere in the 150’s though. It took me awhile too. I started at 7:50 and left around 11:00. I thought I would be excited when the screen finally went black and shut off, but once it finally did . . . I HAD NO IDEA if I had passed or failed. It was NOT a good feeling either. In fact, it was quite torturous to wait until today to find out!! I mean, if I didn’t pass I was going to have to wait 45 more days to retest, which meant 2 more months without a job . . . and that’s IF I passed the second time! We knew the Lord’s will be done, and David was constantly reassuring me that he’d love me either way . . . I think I’m my biggest critic though.

David and I have checked multiple times to see if the results were availabe. I checked earlier this morning, and they weren’t. He checked about 45 minutes ago and they were! I thought he was joking. We said a quick prayer that we’d accept the results either way and understand the Lord’s will and timing. . . then clicked for the next screen to show the results. We were scanning the page and must have both seen it at the same time!!

PASS?!! What?? I couldn’t believe it. We were jumping and screaming for joy. . . Colt was quite startled and started to cry, but he’s happy now too – – though it means some changes for him in the near future. I’m thankful for these nearly 7 months of being home with him. It’s been wonderful and he’s ready now I think. We are hoping to work our schedules out so David can keep him on the days I work since he only has class Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

All that to say “Praise the Lord! Thanks be to the Father who gives exceedingly abundantly about all that we ask or think!” And thanks to so many of you who let me know you were praying for me Monday morning. I take no credit in and of myself. I am nothing without Him. Thank you Lord.

8 thoughts on “The Dreaded Test

  1. Haley, I loved the way you described everything — sounds exactly like when Jennifer took it-We’re proud of you!!! Hoping that soon you, David, and Colt can come this way again when I’m in town!! Love to all! Aunt Jan, Uncle Joey and all the J families

  2. how exciting! you are an official RN now!! Praise the Lord!! you will have to let me in on more of your studying habits since mine is a little over a year from now! it was so nice meeting you the other night!

  3. Congrats Haley!
    Greg’s daughter took the test her last May and she was expecting to be there 3 hours. Her exam shut off at 75 questions. She had not heard any feedback before going…so she thought she had failed when it shut off at #75. She passed though. Sounds like you all are doing well. Colt has changed his looks so much. He is such a cutie.

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