Bumpes and Scrapes

When you are learning something new. . . you have to fall sometime.

Colt has really “taken off” with walking. He was running across the yard yesterday and did a face plant right onto the sidewalk. David and I were both out there. We were hanging out with the neighbors – We go outside everyday, and Colt loves to run around and play in the yard. Of course, he still falls. . . Usually he pops right back up without a wimper, but not this time. David looked over and saw it coming and we couldn’t get there fast enough.

It looked pretty bad at first. His nose was bloody. His lip was puffy and bleeding – there was blood coming out of his mouth where he busted his lip. Yuck.

After we gave him a bath, and he drank a whole cup of water. . . we realized he still had all of his teeth and he was doing fine. He’s still sporting some scrapes this morning, but I’m just thankful it wasn’t worse. He’s a tough little dude. He hasn’t acted like it bothers him at all, except for the initial moment of course :-)

He’s started pulling down these 3 books every time he walks into his room. He’ll sit there and “read” rather than play with the other things around. . . except for his balls of course. He’s still on the “ball” kick. He also has been saying “dada” ALL the time (which I quite miss hearing “mama” all the time, but now David gets to feel extra loved). He’s saying “book,” and this morning he learned “pot” during his fascination with our pot rack and the clanging of the pots and pans. That was kind of funny to hear him say since he’s never repeated it before, and it came out “pa.”

As you can see, he’s still walking. That fall, and the pain, didn’t even phase him. David and I were reading in 2 Peter chapter 1 this morning and I was struck by the exhortation to acquire: faith, virtue, knowledge, steadfastness, self control, godliness, brotherly affection, and love. Because with these you “cannot and will not be ineffective or unfruitful” for the Lord. With these. . . you cannot stumble or fall. But, when you do. . . just get up and keep walking.

3 thoughts on “Bumpes and Scrapes

  1. Colt, What beautiful blue eyes. Your scrapes and scratched places remind me of when your Uncle Heath was a little boy. You are a cutie!
    Love you,
    Aunt B.

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