Caden turned 6!

Caden turned 6 on January 22. Instead of gifts, our family does “experiences.” I feel like the kids will remember the things we do together more than a toy they got for their birthday. At least, that is what I hope :) So, the birthday person gets to plan the day. Caden’s plans were a special chocolate pancake breakfast, then to the trampoline park for the day. Pizza, milk tea, and donuts for lunch, and Mexican for dinner and family movie/game night. We were going to celebrate with a cake with his classmates at school. This was his master plan.

However, it didn’t work out that way.

I came back in country with my visa last Wednesday. David has also made a trip out of country this month, but the kids “60 day” mark that THEY had to leave the country because of the tourist visa was a week after I got back (the 23rd). I begged the school I work at to get the visa processed because it should only take a week – then we wouldn’t have to leave again for the kids 60 day mark because we would be off the tourist visa and on my work visa. Well, the school was busy with end of semester stuff and wasn’t able to get it done. I tried everything and even spent 2 days going back and forth between police stations, entry-exit bureaus, and registration offices trying to take care of it myself, only to find out. . . the school had to give the official signature. So, we are still waiting on the school and David had to take the kids out of country. I couldn’t go because until my visa is processed I can’t leave the country again.

So, poor Caden’s birthday plans only made it through pizza lunch, milk tea, and donuts. Then the 4 of them headed to the train station and off to Hong Kong. They were back within 24 hours though and I had balloons, birthday cake, and Mexican for dinner waiting for them. They took it all in stride and were just as happy as a lark about everything regardless. We also watched old videos of Caden and reminisced about what we love about Caden. He REALLY liked that :) Then we had family game night. They got to watch their movie on the train.

It may not have gone as planned, but it was memorable and he didn’t have any complaints! I was disappointed, but didn’t let it show in front of the kids. I’ve learned early on to keep it positive and the kids do great! :)









7 thoughts on “Caden turned 6!

  1. Happy Birthday Caden! Sounds like he is an excellent event planner. Glad he was content with his birthday and that you were able to have the little surprise for him when he came back.

  2. Sounds like a perfect day to me! Love those pics. Caden was such a squishy baby! The sweetest! Chloe would not put him down when we were around you guys. He was so snuggly. God bless you and your family. Happy belated birthday Caden!

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