One Day Closer

Well, the title of this post is “One Day Closer” as opposed to “One Day Late” because we are trying to keep everything on a positive note and be thankful :-) Just because the 2 other girls that were due the same time as me already had their babies doesn’t mean a thing to us! I am just as big as a house and thankful that we have a healthy little boy in there who just loves his mommy sooo much that he doesn’t want to part from her physically. . . haha. This picture was yesterday, the due date. Mom and I walked about 2 miles with Aunt B and Girl (Mom’s dog), then I came home and washed cars. . . thinking something would stimulate some labor pains, but there was nothing. I was hoping to be able to accomodate my in-laws while they were in, but they had to leave this morning. They will be back up when the time comes. . . could be awhile I suppose. We had a good visit with them though, and David and Daddy D were able to play some golf and spend time together. Mama T and me watched some good gameshows though (right Mama T)? Anyways. . . . on with the pictures: Little Sarah . . . cute as a button and one of the few times that she got a break from someone holding her :-)
Uncle David has been getting in some good practice, but that makes us all the more anxious to have our little one in our arms.

Sarah and Papaw . . . they are pretty big buds

Although my belly tends to get in the way, I can still hold her, and I love to hear her giggle!
It may look like Papaw was reading to Sarah, but really she was reading to him (you see, she is “very advanced”) haha.

This is Dad and Heath playing boxing on the Wii. It’s a new game that most of the world knows about or has. You are supposed to be standing up though. . . then it would be good exercise :-) David and Heath have been practicing their hunting skills on one of the games too. I guess we’ll see the fruit of their “labors” this hunting season.

3 thoughts on “One Day Closer

  1. Great pictures! Great times! Little sweet boy will make his appearance at the exact right time God has in mind. Keep your chin up! You’re doing great….looking beautiful….and we’re so proud of both you and David. Love you!

  2. Hey Haley and David,
    I am so excited for you and I remember exactly how you feel! I went 1 week late and was induced- but it ended up being such an easy delivery (with an epidural of course!) We love our little man and I can’t even describe the feelings you will feel when you finally see him. Haley GET YOUR SLEEP because it will soon be over!ha Tell David he has always been my favorite cousin!ha

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