Colt David Miles – 8-2-08

He’s here. Today Haley’s contractions were more frequent and stronger probably because we played tennis on the Wii some (haha).
Around 5:00 p.m. she told me that she thought it was time…I was freaking out, she was pretty relaxed except during the contractions which were obviously uncomfortable for her.
We arrived at the hospital at 6:30 and she was already dilated to 3. At around 8 they broke her water and she was dilated to 4-5 at 9. All the excitement started at 11:15 when Haley thought she needed to go to the bathroom and the nurse checked her and informed us that she was fully dilated and the baby’s head was low.
I was just getting ready for a nap in expectation for a long night then it all changed. Our room went from three people (Haley, the nurse and I) to like ten people in five minutes. It was crazy.
She gave about eight hard pushes and there he was…blue, green and alot of hair. They cleaned him up though and he looks normal now.
He latched right on to breasfeeding and both Haley and Colt seem to be doing just fine. He weighed in at a whopping 8 pounds 10 ounces! The “little” guy measured 21.25 “
There are alot more pics, but I don’t have Mama Gail’s camera which has all of them. We will post them soon though.
Playing with his long hair


he was getting tired of all the pics

one hot mama!!! (especially considering the picture was taken at 3 in the morning

our little bundle of joy

9 thoughts on “Colt David Miles – 8-2-08

  1. A precious dollbaby! He’s so filled out because he had some extra time in mommy’s tummy! Thanks be to the Lord for a safe delivery and healthy baby! Now, the fun is only beginning! One day at a time. We love you and can’t wait to hold him!

  2. HEY!!!! Oh My goodness! he’s beautiful! I HAVE to come home soon now….i need to hold him :)
    I’m glad everything went well and everyone is safe and happier. I love you lots and i am so very confident that you are going to be an amazing mommy!!!
    I love you girl…

  3. He is so cute and precious. Can’t wait to see him in person. You two will make great parents.

    Love ya,

  4. He is so precious…it brings back so many memories…it feels like yesterday we were there with Evan and now he is 3 1/2 months old! They grow up so fast so enjoy every moment of their newborn stage. Looking forward to watching him grow…evan and colt will have to meet soon at one of the family reunions…love yall!

  5. Hey Mama and Daddy! What a precious darling he is! I want to pinch his cheeks (the ones showing.) I told Trudy to give him a smooch for us. That roundness shows a quick delivery. You’re a baby machine, Haley!
    God continue to pour out His blessings on your FAMILY. You’re official now! (Hope he can sing 😉
    Kathy and Doug Henderson

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