Happy Birthday Brother

Monday, November 17, was my brother’s birthday. He is a typical strong and rugged hunter/mountain man :-) He can not only make you laugh, but his personality is one that could make a friend anywhere. He’s the deerslayer that started my wonderful husband with the hunting obsession!

In 1989, when Heath was 6 years old, he played tee ball (baseball). I remember being out with my dad when we received the page (didn’t have a cell phone then) to call. Mom said they were taking Heath to the hospital because he had been hit in the head with a baseball while playing. His helmet had fallen off. The doctors didn’t give him much hope. They said “if” he lived, he would have brain damage. So many prayers were offered up for this sweet boy!! His uncle even got saved through this trial. the Father answered prayer, and Heath was up eating PBJs and icecream the next day!! the Father used this for good indeed – a soul won to Him and the faith of many was strengthened!
Well, another testing of faith came again in Dec. 4, 1999. My parents and I were a couple of hours away at one of my high school basketball games when we received the phone call that Heath and 2 of his hunting buddies had been in a bad wreck. A deer had ran out in the road in front of them. They were hunting in a different county and would have to be flown to the hospital in order to make it “in time.” Heath had been thrown from the jeep, which proceeded to roll over top of him as it flipped down the road. He had serious damage to his liver, his lung was collapsed, he was bleeding. . . no one could really judge the severity, but it was clear that he was not stable. The MediVac couldn’t get to him because of the fog which meant he couldn’t be flown in. It took us over an hour to get to the hospital, but we got there way before he did. There were over 100 people there arriving shortly after us with lots of prayer and support. Word spreads fast!! They told us they were having to drive Heath there by ambulance, and he wouldn’t make it. Well, the prayers flew up again for this young man – and he did make it to the hospital. He looked dead though . . we saw them wheel him in. No one gave us much hope. But the Father answered prayer again. After 36 days in the hospital (Happy New Year, I know!!) Heath came home with an in-home health nurse. The doctors said he was a medical miracle! He even made the news :-) He has made it thus far with no long term injuries or affects from that day.
Since then, it’s been a bumpy road. He’s had a couple more car accidents. One night Dad got to him before the ambulance. He had been thrown from yet another vehicle and was lying in the middle of the road. It was dark, and any car could have ran over him and killed him, but the Father’s hand has stayed with him and protected Heath.
He has been blessed by this sweet little girl you see in the pictures, Sarah Rose Marie Curry. She is the perfect, happy, healthy baby girl any parent could dream of! Keep that family in your prayers. . . please. Who knows what the future holds, but the Father must have a plan for this man. Why would He have spared him so many times? There were many prayers answered on his behalf before, and I know there are many still being prayed for him now. Keep praying fervently that he will give his life over to the Father (Who has spared it so many times) before another birthday rolls around!

One thought on “Happy Birthday Brother

  1. What a sweet post and what a sweet young man Heath is…always so polite and friendly and kind. Hopefully the love you and all your family shows him will “woo” him to the Lord. We’re praying on this end. Love you!

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