A New Milestone

Colt has started sitting up this past week! Well, it’s more like “propping” up or the tripod position. But he’s on his way nonetheless! He’s also sleeping from 8:30-8. . . no more feedings, just some passy insertions. He is on a 4 hour schedule too with two 2 hour naps and a short one in the evening (thanks to the gracious advice of those who’ve gone before us -aka Julie!!). It’s working out great, and you were right Julie when you called this the “dream schedule”!

Speaking of physical growth and development, we had a great sermon at chrch tonight! The speaker asked how many of us had been to the doctor or had a physical recently? Of course we are careful to take care of ourselves and avoid sickness, etc. We also get excited about new growth and development in the little ones (like Colt)! :-)

But when was the last time we had a “spiritual” check up? When was the last time we found ourselves reflecting on our spiritual state? Does it need improvement? Are we growing? Spiritual growth comes from things like:
-Worship (praise and adoration to the Deserving One)
-Fellowship with believers
-Relationship with the Father through study of the Word and prayer
-Reaching the lost
-Ministry (using our gifts and talents in service to others, for the Lord)
How do we measure up??

Optimum physical health comes from a balanced diet and exercise. Yet, spiritually speaking, how is our diet? Are we on the milk or meat of the Word? Also, do we have excess weight from lack of spiritual exercise? In what ministry/ministries are we involved?
Does it make sense to have a spiritual evaluation to you too? Or are we more concerned with the physical condition that we are in? With all the opportunities, knowledge, and time I’ve been given, I must say I could be farther along. . .

2 thoughts on “A New Milestone

  1. Great pictures and a great post, Haley. I thought that it looked like he was sitting up in one of the posts last week beside Sarah, but thought, “No, that can’t be!” Great schedule, too! And I enjoyed reading about they physical/spiritual growth comparisons. We’re in Nashville now. I plan to “hole up” in the hotel room and get alot done. I’ve been reading a great biography….of a great Christian woman, Marlene Evans. I’ve had it for awhile, just never picked it up to read it. I love biographies. I have a good one I’m giving to all my “girls/daughters” for Christmas. Love you!

  2. loved your post…such a big boy! Thats great that he is sitting up now….last week evan learned so much..it was amazing. Its so great that we get to stay at home with them so we don’t miss one little “new thing”….praying for you and your new move….glad you got to the dream schedule..it will be so much easier now. Have a good week!

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