Playing on the Grounds

David and I took Colt outside to play yesterday (which we try to do everyday – weather permitting) on the playground across the parking lot here. He gets so excited when we go outside . . . he starts squealing and squirming all over (he’s kind of hard to hold on to at times). David took some pictures of this “watering hole” while we were “exploring” the outdoors. Our great expectations of playing in it when it gets warmer were dashed when Daniel delivered the devastating news that he thinks it’s the same body of water that the sewer travels. Bummer. Hold on for dear life!

Hmmm . . . looks like something that Colt could put in his mouth! He’s getting another tooth right beside the first one. So, now it’s the 2 bottom teeth showing.
“Um, Dad. . . I’m not so sure about this. . . “
David just has to look at Colt and he’ll start laughing. When Daddy gets home from school in the evenings, Colt is usually eating dinner in his highchair – which is in perfect view of the front door. So, he’s the first one to spot Daddy and he does a good job of letting me know he’s home! Colt will squeal and laugh . . . it’s precious.
New concept. . . shoes.

Some new things going on around here:

Colt has somehow figured out how to click with his tongue. He does it probably as much as he talks now. He thinks it’s really funny when you click with him. . . like “how do you know how to do that too?” We usually take turns and click back and forth.

Another thing. . . Colt has really taken off bouncing in his jumperoo this week. I tried to get it on camera because he jumps so hard and high that he comes halfway out of the seat. He seems to like that the best though! The higher and more dangerous, wild and free . . . the better! (looked reckless to me – – but I think I better get used to it).

Lastly, (which we did get on camera, but have chosen not to post on the blog due to disturbing images). . . Colt has been using the potty!! haha. We are reading a good set of books by Michael and Debi Pearl “To Train A Child” (I know I’ve referred to them on here before). Anyways, they trained their kids young. . . so why not!! We just recognize the “big nasty” coming on and rush to the bathroom. It’s worked the past 3 days. I’m sure we are A LOOONG way from our goal :-) It’s been quite hilarious though – and I must say the clean up is NOTHING compared to before!

3 thoughts on “Playing on the Grounds

  1. Hey family, my fav pic is colt & dad smiling at each other on the slide landing. I have very very fond memories of such a time as this. These are great, keep up the a+ photography and by the Papaw taught him to click his tongue, Ha Ha, just kidding

    Love you more

  2. we are also aware of those books..i showed the pictures of them potty training online to myron a while ago…we thought it was pretty funny! (pictures of little babies on the toilet!ha) Let me know how it goes..

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