Just some pics of enjoying this beautiful warm and sunny weather
Colt was watching for Daddy and “Wosie” to come back from their little jog. . . maybe Colt can go next time Daddy?? He is pretty fast you know ~
Mastering the art of climbing on “ocking chairs.” They just make it so difficult because they move too!!
Colt started jumping off of the planter/retaining wall in our backyard. The scary thing was. . . he didn’t want me to catch him!! He was just jumping down (a good 1 1/2 to 2 feet) and rolling on down the hill in the dirt. He thought it was great. Wish I did too!
I believe Colt has developed a minor obsession with his “puppy doggie Wosie.” He likes to turn his high chair around and eat looking out the windows. . . talking to her the whole time! It’s quite amusing to hear him in there saying “hello doggie, stay Wosie, good geeal (girl).” He sure does love that sweet ole girl.
So glad you have added “Wosie” to the family….she sure seems like a sweet dog and a great playmate for Colt. Loved all the sweet pictures!
Hey Dave
For a guy who had a bad experience with a dog as a child, you sure seem to have the right dog for therapy.
Thanks for the photos
Love Dad