Colt’s class at school has taken 3 separate overnight field trips for planting/tending/harvesting rice. Starting back in May, when they went to prepare the field, then plant the rice. In June, we were in the States so we missed that one, but just recently they went and harvested their rice. He brought home a 50 lb. bag of rice! That should last us awhile I’m thankful for how well he did and how much he enjoyed this experience though. He also realized it’s hard work! They have a saying here to “eat every last grain of rice in your bowl because it was very hard work to get it there.” So very grateful for teachers who truly care about each child. Colt is growing up, we have noticed a new maturity this year. It’s hard to believe he is 9 years old.
Thanks for sharing. Love the pics but love Colt more !
I get so excited when I open my email and see something from you. I just know there are going to be pictures and learning experiences for the family. Thanks so much for the posts.
Priceless experience! So many lessons to be learned from it <3
Love this young man, thanks for sharing the journey.