To the ends of the earth . . .

David and a friend were able to travel out together last week to visit a brother in the countryside. They drove their car as far as they could, then hiked up the mountain quite a ways to reach his home. . .

The rice fields are beautiful this time of year.  The mountains are covered in rice terraces that are reaching their peak and turning a golden color. Look to the fields, they are ready for harvest.  The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. . .


Here is a look into the brother’s home.  He’s in his 70’s and his wife is paralyzed. D said they had a fire pit dug out in the center of the room that they used to cook.  As you can see, dirt floor and the walls are covered in layers suit from the smoke.  D and his friend hiked back down the mountain, bought food and cooked for them to share a meal together.  They were so pleased to have guests, but really had nothing to give.  It was a sweet visit.  Thankful for this opportunity.


3 thoughts on “To the ends of the earth . . .

  1. What a great love you and David show for the people there. When I read your posts it just reminds me of just how the Father protects you and your family. The inside of the house makes me even more thankful for what I have and take for granted.

  2. Beautiful….lifting you up to the Father and asking that a burden for the lost be placed upon hearts. Our hearts and minds are so deceived. Love to all.

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