
David and I took turns completing the course required to teach English here. The closest location offered was in the next province over, about a 5 hour fast train. David went a few weeks before I did. It was a long time away for both of us, but hopefully will open many doors for visa options. My week of training was a bit more eventful with some heavy rains and flooding which I will probably never forget.


I had just left the kiddos and D at home, anticipating my 5 hour train ride to be peaceful and quiet (traveling without the kids is not something I ever do). I ended up sitting beside this 5 yr. old and his mom, who weren’t the least bit shy. We had a lot of good conversations and paper, rock, scissors games :)


WuHan flooded the week I was there. This was what I walked through to get to class (yes we still had class)!



My class


After we each completed the required 8 days of classes, 10 quizzes, one 40-minute presentation, and two 90-minute exams. . . we both passed! Certifications in hand!

4 thoughts on “Qualifications

  1. Thankful to the Father for his watch care over you both while successfully completing certification. Congratulations, proud of you both! Love, Dad and Mom

  2. Praise the Lord! You and David are pushing ahead with getting ready to go out. Its so exciting to know of your progress and all of the things you have accomplished. We are praying for you and the family. Say hello to the kiddo’s.

  3. I had to laugh… David – as Oleg says: “Congratulations! Frame your certificate, hang it on your wall, and when your friends come to visit, take them over to your certificate and say, ‘Now I can speak English!'” LOL!

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