When in Rome do as the Romans do. . .

I will try to be intentional to show more of daily life here. I know the Father’s blessing is the main reason we have adjusted well. He really drew our hearts to this place and these people. . . and we want to study and learn their ways! Trying to live like they do makes living in such a foreign land not so bad :) Of course, there are still things I think I can do without learning. . . But for now, here are a few pictures for the record!


So, obviously this isn’t the only place where people hang out their laundry. I didn’t always hang out ALL of my clothes/towels/sheets/everything before though. I DO have a dryer – which is NOT the Chinese way. They say it wastes electricity. . . I can honestly say I try very hard not to use it. If my laundry has been hanging for almost 2 days and still won’t dry (isn’t super moist here remember), then I will throw it in the dryer for 10-20 minutes to get it completely dry. That’s the last resort though! ha!


When the sun comes out full strength, I have learned and adopted the local practice of laying out your bedding/blankets (otherwise un-washable items) to disinfect naturally in the sunlight! Some people who don’t have a yard will throw their blankets across small trees and even public playground or exercise equipment! Yes, that’s our “car” in the background. Sweet ride huh? (it’s a 3 wheeled cart/scooter thingy)


The chicken I bought to make chicken soup. . . complete with eggs, feet, and head. Things I would never had bought before! Hey, my kids like them! And it’s not BAD for them :)


Some Chinese herbs I bought to drink during a sickness. . .


Colt soaking his feet in some herbs I boiled for a recent sickness he had. . . He loves to soak his feet. I do too! We soaked twice a day for 3 days. He got better too btw! Yay for natural remedies!


The herbs I bought from the Chinese herbal medicine store. They measure each one out and dumped them into a bag. Each bag is boiled for 20 minutes, then you soak your feet for about 20 minutes. You can use each bag mix 2x.


Dumped into our gigantic soup pot :) haha! Eating soup from here may never be the same!

2 thoughts on “When in Rome do as the Romans do. . .

  1. I have a question about the chicken in the plastic bag. I recently read about “unlaid” eggs. Are the eggs in the bag the eggs that were inside the chicken when it was butchered? I had no idea that they harvest them like that. On a cooking show they talked about the difference of the texture of laid and unlaid eggs. They said that most chefs prefer to us the unlaid eggs. Not sure I would ever get used to cooking chicken feet and heads.

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