Welcome Kylie Joy!

I was first awakened by my sweet boy having a bad dream or something early Monday morning, June 13th. Once he was settled, I knew I wasn’t feeling well, but I was going to try to go back to sleep. Nevertheless, it was contractions indeed. So, I just got up around 2:30am and started timing them. I called the doctor at 4:00am and she said to go ahead and come in since the contractions were about 3 minutes apart. I just didn’t have peace about waking up Colt and either taking him with us OR taking him to someone else’s house that early in the morning though. . . I knew the day would hold enough “changes” and the night’s rest would be very beneficial for him. So, I prayed about it, woke up David, and we waited until 6:30 (Colt’s normal wake up time) to get on the road.

Thanks so much to Jenn Braun, a great friend from chrch  for keeping him until my parents were able to pick him up around 3pm. Colt LOVES “Mrs. Jenn” and Kaelynn, so I didn’t worry a second about him being excited about going there for the day! After dropping him off, David and I headed to Wake Med, arriving around 8am (after traffic) – good thing she didn’t come too quickly! But, I just had such a peace that it would work out fine the whole time. the Father is good!

The CRAZY thing is that after arriving at the hospital, and having contractions since 2am (REGULAR HARD CONTRACTIONS), they just stopped. What?! But, the doctor wanted to keep me since I was already 4 cm dilated and it would take us so long to get home and come back if necessary.

So, David and I walked. . . for a few hours. Nothing. They broke my water, and we walked for a few more hours. Nothing. So they started Pitocin around 2pm and things progressed with the return of contractions at about 5 min apart. . . eventually to 2 minutes apart. Then, all of the sudden it was time to push! It all happened so fast! David’s parents were there, and had stepped out so I could use the restroom. David left to use the restroom. . . and walked back in to “time to push!”

David and Mama T were both present when this precious little girl entered the world after just 5 minutes of pushing. 7 lbs. 2 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. It was SOOO much different and easier than Colt’s labor – it’s a surreal feeling to love 2 children so much! David and I are enjoying every minute (he’s such a sweet daddy of a little girl too).

My parents brought Colt shortly afterwards and he was a joy to watch! He calls her “my baby” and just loved and loved on her. No jealousy (yet). . . just such a sweet big brother! Hope you enjoy the pics!

7 thoughts on “Welcome Kylie Joy!

  1. Sweet pictures and an unforgettable day. So glad you’re feeling good….and you look just wonderful. So thankful we got to be there for the big event. Love you all!

  2. she is absolutely beautiful! thanks for sharing your birth story! i hope you had a good experience at WakeMed-i miss working there!

    can’t wait to see more pictures!!

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