Colt wanted to get 2 more little ducks (remember our last 2 were eaten by rats in our complex). He planned to bring them in at night so they wouldn’t get eaten by predator rats, and we agreed. When we got to the pet market, they didn’t have any baby ducks so we switched to baby rabbits. Colt used his own money and picked out 2 cute little bunnies ($3 each)! The kids spent the whole evening playing with them outside on the back porch and in the grass. . . then we brought them in for the night. Colt and Kylie both swept up lots of bunny poop on the porch and even mopped at the end of the night! Colt commented that when he agreed to clean up after them (before we got them) he didn’t know they pooped that much! Pretty proud of how responsible he has been, but realistically. . . I know it’s only been one day! ha!
This is so sweet. We love bunnies, but sadly they always die in our family. Ha!