Family Trip to the Countryside

Beware! Picture overload!

During one of David’s trips to the countryside, he learned of a special festival celebrated by the AM people. We decided to take the whole family and experience/learn more about this culture that we are so intrigued by! We left on a Sunday and returned home on Friday. It.was.a.long.week.

It would have been a 5 hour bus ride on winding mountain roads. . . so we decided to split the trip time and stay overnight in a city about halfway. We found several AM people in this first city (we will call is LS) and were able to talk with them some, but our friends who invited us to this festival were in the next city (we will call it CB). So, we set out on the second stretch the next morning.

The bus rides were “interesting” to say the least. These big charter size buses would fly on the winding mountain roads. My mom wouldn’t like it very much :) Our friend met us at the bus station and took us to the place we would be staying. We rested a bit, grabbed dinner, then met them again to go to the festival. It was a huge performance being held in their sports amphitheater. . . and the tickets were sold out. The crowds were out of control – like the ones people get trampled in. So we stayed well out of the way. Our friend “had connections” though, who escorted us to the uncrowded VIP section right up front! Perks of cute blonde haired kids I think :)

We checked out early at 9:45pm since we had be traveling that day and were pretty tired. The next morning our friend called and said another friend wanted to take us to the mountain festivities “about an hour away.” Sounds great (we thought)!

That “one hour away” turned into 5 hours of the most curvy roads we have ever been on (and I’m from WV!). Yes, the scenery we beautiful, but Kylie and Caden and were carsick. Our friend drove faster (which is crazier and worse for the carsickness) since Kylie was throwing up – you know, to help get her there more quickly :) We did not plan on being in the car that long after traveling so much with the kids already that week. It wasn’t too enjoyable, but David was able to share with this man – for that we can endure the ride and be thankful! One part Kylie remembers about “the crazy car” (as she calls it) was when the driver flew threw a pot-hole causing our heads to hit the ceiling of the car. There were 3 people up front and 5 in the back of this little sedan too. Not too comfy. ha!

The mountain village was beautiful with lots of milk cows, fresh milk, and fresh yogurt everywhere! It was amazing to us that we were so far out in the middle of nowhere, but there were villages every few miles. So many people. . . they all need to hear.

Needless to say, we made it back home safely. It was good to make contacts and see how the AM live to better know how to PR. We are thankful!
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3 thoughts on “Family Trip to the Countryside

  1. Thank you again for letting me travel with you and the family. The countryside is so pretty and you take really great pictures. I am so sorry that Kylie and Caden were carsick. When I read this I wondered if they got carsick coming back too. So glad that David was able to share with someone. Like you said it was worth the trip. Tell Kylie I would have like the part where the driver hit the pot hole and everyone bounced up in their seats.

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