Actually, Caden turned 2 on January 22. . . like a month ago. We celebrated on time, but I’m posting it late. Sorry Caden!! Internet in our country blocks youtube, so uploading is a big challenge. Not to mention all of my free time is . . . nonexistent haha. Language study is no joke folks! So, here on a visa run/vaca to Malaysia I can catch up on my shutterfly books and youtube videos. Yay!
Caden is a sweet little fella. He smiles so easily at everyone. . . and EVERYone loves him He speaks as much Chinese as English. He prefers rice and spicy foods to western foods. His words are all so cutely made into 3 syllables He loves music and can match a pitch. Taking his pacifier away was the easiest of all 3 children. We were down to 1 pacifier, and didn’t have it when it was time for bed because it was in a bag that David had taken to the store. I laid him down and said “meiyou paci” (don’t have the paci), he repeated me and went to sleep. Hasn’t asked for it since. Are you kidding me? That was too easy. It’s just his laid back temperament. He gets that from his mom (juuust kidding) ha! We love you Caden Luke!!
Loved the video! That’s amazing about the pacifier!! Wow!
Love you all!