Mom’s Musings

I read this in my quiet time the other morning and it has caused to me to stop and think deeply about it (Taken from Mom Heart Moments by Sally Clarkson):

The Bible says, “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life” (I Thess. 4:11). The world promotes power, money, things.

The Bible says, “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:20). The world says, “Beauty is on the outside.”

The Bible says, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (I Sam. 16:7). The world says leadership is found in position and power.

The Bible says, “Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt. 16:25). The world says, “Do something great you can be proud of.”


Jesus built deep relationships for three years with a dozen men and a few others in a community of friends. His ministry was small and personal, meeting needs, eating meals, living life with a focused few, serving them. He never traveled more than a hundred miles from Galilee. He never wrote a book, spoke on TV, wrote a blog, or lived prominently. Yet more words and books have been written about Him than any other. Lives have been changed, centuries of history rendered totally different because of the power of truth lived out and spoken from the quiet, gentle, humble life Christ lived during his time on the earth.


Could Jesus still live through me, faithfully, quietly, personally, powerfully, right where I am, so the impact of my life of integrity would reach the far corners of the earth if I lived according to His ways and the not the world’s?

How can I lived a servant-oriented, children-valuing, eternity-focused life, centered on listening to Him and closing out the voices of the world?


4 thoughts on “Mom’s Musings

  1. Such great wisdom and wonderful words! Love the pictures. Praying that the Lord will continue to bless your efforts to shine brightly for Him! Love you all!

  2. This was such a beautiful reminder! I am confident that Christ is using your family as you display His love to those He has placed on your oikos and those He will send your way. Continuing to pray for the Lord to grant wisdom and discernment as you pour your lives into those with great physical and spiritual need. Love you all❤

  3. Momaw Betty and Charles says:
    What we do for Christ is the greatest thing in this life and we will be rewarded in heaven. Praying the Lord will bless your ice with much success!

  4. Loved the words written..from the Word of….what you wrote Haley was heart touching…love the unloving….man looks on the outside..Jesus looks on the inside?..Praying for you all…that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will touch the little ones hearts soon.
    Love you all very much.

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