Day #2 at SML

Well, Aunt Jane bought the babies some pretty cute outfits for the 4th (which is next weekend – unbelievable how time flies!) Since we won’t be together then, we decided to go ahead and get some shots while we were at the lake one morning.
Jacob is 8 this year, and there was a HUGE difference in him with the water. Last year he wouldn’t even get in (which is understandable – a huge body of water where you can’t see the body is scary at times for little guys). This year he was tubing and swimming like a regular fish! We couldn’t get him out of the water!!

Before we left today, David and Jacob had to tube one more time . . . well Jacob decided the water was too bumpy out there in the middle of the lake, so he just jumped out of his tube at who knows how fast! That’s a big difference from last year for sure! He was a lot of fun though and is such a great kid. We love him.

Of course, Colt was still loving the boat as always . . . though I don’t know if he’s fan of water that is cooler than bath water! He should be tubing and skiing by August though :-)

Happy girl! She was hilarious. . . all the time. She sings and reads to herself. Of course you can’t understand a word of it, but the different intonations that she produces are quite amusing :-)

Onto a different part of the day. . . we went to the Clubhouse and got kicked out the indoor pool. It was supposedly closed because it was a new construction and not yet completed. There either weren’t any signs or we didn’t see them since we were too excited about having an indoor pool to avoid the sun with the little ones. We had the worlds most stuff in there too! We were so excited about having the pool to ourselves – – that was short lived :-)

So, we swam outside and then brought the babies home for an afternoon nap. The thing was that EVERYONE slept (except David . . . Mr. Productive). We laughed that we had to rest on our SECOND day of vacation!

We all woke up and went out around 4:30, which was nice because the sun wasn’t beating overhead. David and I enjoyed some good “couples” skiing together — how romantic, I know 😉
Sarah was watching to make sure we didn’t get left behind out there!

It was a great mini-vacation for sure! It was long enough to enjoy the time away and together with family, but short enough to make us look forward to August when we get to go for a week! Thanks Mom and Dad for the great place to stay and all the energy you spent on us and the grandkids! We love you lots!!

This may be the last post for awhile. We are closing on a house and will have a busy schedule for awhile as we work around there. We are super excited though! Lots of memories ahead for this little family Lord willing.

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