Another family trip out to the countryside!

The kids had a 3 day holiday from school last week, so we decided to take another trip out. We had a yummy dinner with some AM friends of David’s at their restaurant. It’s called Mao Cai. You pick out the raw veggies/meat/tofu that you want, and they cook it all together in this REALLY spicy soup. I didn’t get any pictures of that unfortunately.

We also always try to do something fun on these trips so that the kids look forward to them and make some memories. Otherwise, they may dread another “trip to the countryside” which includes long hours on a bus. Not many kids think that is too fun :) This trip we did a hike which followed a beautiful stream.  The water was freezing, but the kids loved it!


What happens when I try to get a decent picture of all 3 together. Caden isn’t looking and the other two bust out the bunny ears.


Trying out some exercise equipment. . .


There were at least 10 of these pet bird cages hanging on the trees in this little park. Is this how you “walk your bird” I wonder? Their singing was beautiful!


Thankful Caden always falls asleep on the long bus rides. He has learned you really do “get there faster if you fall asleep!” He reminds Colt and Kylie every time, but unfortunately they don’t sleep.


Yes, that is a chicken head. Our kids actually argued over who would get to eat it. . . I still think it’s gross, but I try my best to keep my opinions of these cultural differences to myself lest I unfairly influence those around me :)


Mmmmmm. . . the chicken head.


Daddy scoping out the area to see if it would be a good place to swim!


Not ever far behind. . .

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6 thoughts on “Another family trip out to the countryside!

  1. I have to say that Caden holding the chicken head just about did me in. The next picture of the chicken head laying on top of rice, did do me in!!!! Just not sure about that thing. How much meat could actually be on it? Is the building that was 2 stories and it se beside of a beautiful stream someone’s house? It looks very large. Love to see the adventures that you have with the kids. Prayers for safe travels when you are out and about.

    • There is NOT much meat on that head, that’s for sure! That large building was a house, but part of it is also like a bed and breakfast :) I’ll take you there when you come visit :) hehehe

  2. I agree with Bev on that Chicken head, not sure that I could try it. Just don’t look too tasty to me. I’ll move on to dessert.
    Everything looks so pretty, the streams, mountains etc. The kids are really growing up so fast. Can’t wait to see them.
    Love you guys. Save travels.

    • There is NOT much meat on that head, that’s for sure! That large building was a house, but part of it is also like a bed and breakfast :) I’ll take you there when you come visit :) hehehe

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