Cooking over an open fire

David had the idea. He calls this meal “hobos.” I’m not even sure how you spell that, because I had never heard of them before. We each made our own – just meat and bunch of different veggies. We went to our favorite camping/climbing spot and played while they cooked for about 30 minutes. Of course we also had smores afterwards, then came home. How’s that for a no mess meal? Not too bad. . . And yes, they were quite good :)












5 thoughts on “Cooking over an open fire

  1. Hobo’s is something that almost all scouts have made on a camping trip. My sister worked with the girl scouts and just recently told me that she had fixed hobo’s for her dinner that day. She just puts hers in the oven and cooks them. Usually chicken or ground beef patties and an array of veggies. From the pictures that is exactly what he made.

  2. By the way the kids are so cute in the picture of them picking the veggies for their meal. I am a picky eater and they probably eat far more veggies than I would ever try.

    • It was really good, and yep ground meat and veggies! We had green and red peppers, onions, carrots, potatoes, and a type of huge asparagus I’ve never seen in the States. The kids had to have at least 1 of everything. Of course, their favorites were potatoes and carrots :)

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